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电话: 0319-2600636
传真: 03192608158
姓名: 秦越

  Xinshan Kouan Garment Co., *域名隐藏* lizes in producing workwear, business wear,suits,shirts,T-shirts,cotton,jeans,etc.,with advanced technology and equipment,a sound organization,excellent after-sales *域名隐藏* just a few years,the Xinshan Kouan Garment Co., *域名隐藏* grown to port a design,production and sales of specialized clothing company....

主要产品/业务: 服装和太阳能热水器出口。

新山口岸贸易有限公司 / 河北 / 河北省邢台市桥西区 (054000 ) / 电话:0319-2600636


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